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Community Leader Global Dialogue

Project Leaders:

Uswa Alhamid (OCEANS) & Olivia Parczyk (ESN) & Yoko Kitaguchi (EMA)


Project Contributors:

Nari Matshushima (lecturer at Waseda University)

Taiga Ogusu (Project Manager at International Edutainment Association)


Project start & end: 

August 2-3 2023


Project Contact Email Address:

Uswa Alhamid:

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Project Summary:
The project was hosted in Tokyo, Japan from 2-3 August in collaboration with three Erasmus organisations funded by the European Union. 14 young leaders with various backgrounds gathered to exchange knowledge and skills necessary for Society 5.0

Project Objective:

The project aimed to provide a platform for global dialogues to explore current social issues and how to tackle them by brushing up critical thinking skills and endeavouring problem-solving methods.


Project Methodology:

In-person activity with guest lecture and interactive 2-day workshop


Project Outcomes:

The two-day workshop has inspired 14 young global leaders to delve into dialogues highlighting various challenges studying and living in Japan as foreign students. It has also equipped us with critical thinking skills, identifying the core of problems and some methods on how to handle them by using the SDGs as subjects to work on.


Images and Videos

You can watch highlights of the event here




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