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General Assemblies
EMA's General Assembly is an annual event which allows the Association to get together and work on the strategy. It is held annually. Every two years the presidential and vice-presidential elections happen during the event.

Over the last years, the General Assembly brought together EMA members of more than 170 nationalities and representatives of academia, the European Commission, and other partner organizations. It is a forum for networking, an opportunity to contribute to the development of higher education programmes in Europe, to find collaborators and initiate projects, and to learn from one another, as well as to discuss the development of the Association itself.
Most importantly it is an opportunity for EMA’s Management, active volunteers, members, EMA’s partners and external stakeholders to come together in person for two to three days. In the past, General Assemblies took part all across Europe and we hope to be able to again meet in person very soon. Until then, just like in 2020 most of our events will take place virtually.