GO-DIJIP Project
Call for External Advisory Board member
As a partner in the GO-DIJIP project, EMA is launching a call for applications to nominate one EMA member to be a part of the project’s External Advisory Board (EAB).
The role of the EAB is to monitor and counsel the project from an external perspective. The board will include people from different areas connected to the project: digitization, international collaboration/Joint Programmes, project management, etc.
More information can be found here and you can apply using this form by June 20th 2021.
What're you waiting for? Apply now!

Project Leaders:
Katharina F Heil, Cristina Martinez Tapia & Manasseh Anand
Project Start & End:
04/2021 - 04/2023
Project Summary:
The Erasmus Mundus Association was excited to be a full partner in the GO-DIJIP project "Integrating Digital Collaborative Environments into Joint Programmes". EMA contributed with our large network of students and alumni and supported Communication and Dissemination Activities.
What was the GO-DIJIP Project?
EMA was part of the GO-DIJIP, Key Action 2 project on “Integrating Digital Collaborative Environments into Joint Programmes”. This two-year project s coordinated by the University of Padua – Padova, Italy. University of Bergen, AgroParisTech, UNICollaboration, and EMA were the full project partners.
Representatives from the European Association for International Education (EAIE), Coimbra Group, ARQUS European University Alliance and the Association for the Promotion and the Development of Joint International Programmes in higher education (ProDeJIP) were among the Associate Project Partners.
This Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project focused on the introduction of digital elements in Joint Programmes, and counted on our EMA members, students and alumni to contribute!
GO-DIJIP aimed to develop a digitalized, innovative, collaborative and quality-oriented Higher Education, providing instruments to sustainably mainstream new virtual teaching and learning forms.
Within the project, the GO-DIJIP AMPLIFIER Platform was developed, intended as an open-access, collaborative platform designed to expose and amplify sustainable practices of digital teaching, learning and assessment as well as intercultural and networking activities within Joint Programmes.
You can download the handbook and watch the teaser video!
The GO-DIJIP project is over, but thanks to the outstanding results of this project, the University of Padua will continue to organise GO-DIJIP course editions. EMA will be a part of them, and we will keep you posted on EMA Social media about future actions related to this course.
Congratulations to the three EMAzing Project Coordinators: Katharina F Heil, Cristina Martinez Tapia & Manasseh Anand who did a great job coordinating this project and even receiving compliments from the other partners who considered the students’/alumni’s contribution as one of the most relevant components of this project.
Some final words from the Project Coordinators:
This 2 years project was a challenge and at the same time a great opportunity to learn new things, develop new skills but most importantly to share time and moments with the Go-Dijip Dream team, amazing human beings that end up becoming good friends! With no doubt, EMA is where volunteering transforms your life. Katha, Cris, Manasseh
Congratulations to the EMAzing Project Coordinators!
Katharina F Heil, Cristina Martinez Tapia & Manasseh Anand did a great job coordinating this project and even received compliments from the other partners, who considered the students’ and alumni’s contribution as one of the most relevant components of this project.
Some final words from the Project Coordinators:
This two years project was a challenge and, at the same time, a great opportunity to learn new things and develop new skills. Most importantly, we loved sharing our time and experiences with the Go-Dijip Dream team, amazing human beings that became good friends! Without a doubt, EMA is where volunteering transforms your life.
- Katha, Cris, Manasseh

​More information about the project can also be found on the coordinators' project page or watch the following video.
Past Activities
The GO-DIJIP AMPLIFIER Platform is live!
What is the AMPLIFIER Platform?
An open platform, a community and a meeting place for staff and students involved or interested in integrated curricula offered jointly by universities in two or more countries. Its specific ambition is to foreground and share examples of how digital interaction is introduced in a variety of programmes and courses.
This platform remains available to the public even after the project formally finishes.
How can you use it?
TO DISSEMINATE the best practices implemented within your Joint Programme - write a post!
TO BE AWARE OF and TAKE INSPIRATION FROM what's up in other International Joint Programmes read the posts collected in the blog section!
TO COMMUNICATE with the wider community of people involved in International Joint Programmes, adding comments to the posts.

Digitalising joint programmes and Project Board meeting
On March 15th, 2023, GO-DIJIP & JPROV Erasmus+ projects, organised the "Digitalising joint programmes: The way(s) forward on the path towards Joint European Degrees" in Brussels. Katharina Heil and Cristina Martinez Tapia, hosted this event on behalf of EMA with the support of Shahin S Eity, SMACCs Programme Representative.
This event included the participation of inspirational speakers from the European Commission and other higher education institutions who contributed to a high level discussion about the importance of digitalization to enhance Joint Programmes. Brianna Swam, a GENIAL EMJMD student, was one of the speakers of this event and shared her experience in digital learning. The full agenda can be found here.
You can read a public post about the event here.
During the following two days (March 16th & 17th, 2023) the 2nd edition of the project’s Staff Training course was taught to registered attendees from across Europe. Cristina Martinez Tapia and Prashant Kumar, EMA Legal Unit Director, co-led in a workshop called “using digital tools to promote digital programmes”. They explained how EMA manages digital activities in order to engage students and alumni.
This series of activities started with a Project Management Board meeting (March 14th, 2023) during which Katharina Heil together with the other board members, defined the next actions required to finalise the implementation of GO-DIJIP in order to close this EMAzing project.
At the point of writing it seems that additional editions of the Staff Training course will be taught in the future and EMA was kindly invited to keep contributing to these.
Project Meeting - October 2022, Bergen, Norway
Representatives from all GO-DIJIP partners met in Bergen to discuss project progress and upcoming activities.
The time was specifically used to finalise planning for the 1st edition of the GO-DIJIP Online Staff Training "Thinking Digital in Joint Programmes" taught online duirng November and December 2022.

Joint Programmes on the Move & Project Meeting​
On April 6th 2022, the GO-DIJIP project organised the "Joint Programmes on the Move" event at the University of Padua, Italy. During the months before, EMA collected testimonies of Erasmus Mundus students and alumni who had lived a digital experience during their studies. The authors of the best two contributions: Prashant Kumar and Jessica Ziel were invited to share their experience during the event.
The day after, the EMA project Coordinators, Katharina F. Heil and Cristina Martínez Tapia had a Board meeting with the other project partner coordinators. In this meeting, upcoming project activities were discussed, and the project partners received feedback from the advisory board, which has an EMA representative, Pouneh Eftekhari.
The AMPLIFIER platform keeps growing and there will soon be a new call for contributions in which Erasmus Mundus students and alumni are welcome to apply!
Project Meeting - November 2021, AgroParisTech, Paris
Representatives from all GO-DIJIP partners were able to meet in person for the first time to work on project tasks.
We are embracing new digital ways of learning and teaching! Partners of #GODIJIP get together in Paris to create new ways of learning in #HigherEducation.

Share your experience with Digital Learning
(now closed)
The #GODIJIP project looks for #ErasmusMundus students to share their experience in #DigitalEducation All contributions will be published on the project´s platform. The best candidate will be invited to contribute to an online course in Apply here!
Make your voice heard
(now closed)
For now, you can still contribute and take a few minutes to answer the project survey here.

Call for graphic designer!
(now closed)
Are you a graphic designer who would like to design the logo for a European Key Action project?
EMA is a partner in the GO-DIJIP project, titled: “Integrating digital collaborative environments into Joint programmes’’.
The selected designer will work together with EMA and the GO-DIJIP coordinator to design the GO-DIJIP logo. 🎓 Priority will be given to #ErasmusMundus students and alumni, as well as #EMA members.
#erasmus #erasmusmundus #ema #emjmd #erasmusplus #erasmuslife
Full Project Partners