Fostering Positive Intergroup Contact and Youth Leadership through Intercultural Competence
Project Leader & Members:
Diana Marcela Lizarazo Pereira, Isyatul Azizah, Hiba Mohammad, Rashi Maithul
Project start & end:
07/2021 - 11/2021
Project Contact Email address:
Project Summary:
The Inter-Connected project is one of 10 ESAA funded projects, which have been awareded in the 1st round of the 2021 ESAA project call (all results can be seen here.
The project titled "Fostering Positive Intergroup Contact and Youth Leadership through Intercultural Competence" aims to bring intercultural competences to new EMJMD and other joint degree students, specifically focusing on intercultural student groups.
The concept is unique in the sense that the project teams aims to train 15 trainers which will again give the trainings to a number of courses, reaching a large multiplier effect.
Globalisation has produced direct and indirect contact opportunities between people all over the world. However, mere exposure to people from different cultural backgrounds does not guarantee positive interactions. Stereotypes, prejudices and misunderstandings about cultural differences can lead to conflicting scenarios that can worsen intercultural relations. Therefore, appropriate training and interventions to develop intercultural competence are necessary to equip individuals with the abilities required to function in cross-cultural interactions.
The Inter-Connected project proposes implementing intercultural training for the new cohort of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master degree (EMJMDs) students and members of OCEANS (Organisation for Cooperation, Exchange and Networking). The project focus on creating a positive intercultural experience and prepare Erasmus + students to face the challenges of living and work in culturally diverse working and academic environments.
The project aims to create a group of youth certified trainers who will deliver intercultural competence training to the EMMJD students. The applicants to this project will be part of a traineeship programme that includes a 100% scholarship in an intercultural academy. In the end, they will be awarded certification as intercultural trainers. In addition, trainees will acquire professional experience as intercultural trainers by delivering at least 32 hours of workshops. During the process, the trainers will develop their leadership capacities, be replicators of knowledge, and contribute from their own intercultural experiences to the learning experience of the new students of the EMJMDs and OCEANS.
In parallel, the project will:
1) Create awareness about similarities and differences between people from different countries,
2) Foster a positive attitude towards diversity,
3) Increase openness, tolerance and respect to cultural differences and
4) Encourage global citizenship and social awareness.
Beneficiaries of the workshops will be prepared for their intercultural experience by acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to have positive inter-group interactions.
The European Union funds this project through the Erasmus + Student and Alumni Alliance (ESAA).
If you are interested in becoming a certified trainer, take part in the professional trainer course and share your knowledge with others, by directly gaining leadership experience: please register your application using this form. The application deadline is July 23rd and successful applicants will be informed by July 28th. Related training activities will take place between August and October/November 2021.
Read our information leaflet for more information.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with the project team at: