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Programme Representatives (PRs)
EMA Programme Representatives are EMA volunteers who have been selected as representatives of their EMJMD programmes. The main job as a Programme Representative (PR) is to be the contact person between an EMJMD’s students, alumni, course coordinators and EMA. PRs are the advocate of the students and alumni of their course within EMA, and the ambassadors of EMA within their courses. It is important to note that PRs are the link between EMA and their course, and not necessarily a ‘class representative’ for the consortium/course. The main responsibilities are EMA-related!
Some examples of EMA Programme Representative activities:
Communicate and Advise: Create a blog, FB page, share (EMA) updates and news, meet students & coordinators to address issues and challenges, etc.
Social events: Organise a welcome event for new students, international themed dinners, movie nights, house parties, weekend trips, etc.
Promotion: Give a presentation about your EM course, create a promotion video, write to the newspaper about your experience, etc. And many more: Creativity is most welcome! We are waiting for new initiatives.

EMA's PRs belong to the Students and Alumni Unit. Check out the unit's page to answer open
questions and get in touch with an EMA volunteer.
Are you interested in becoming an EMA Programme Representative? Firstly, check below to see if no PR exists for your programme yet. If your programme already has a PR assigned, please reach out to them directly. The coordinators of the EMJMDs have priority in nominating the EMA PR. If the course coordinator does not nominate a PR, PRs can apply for this position via our volunteering page! If there is already a PR for your programme, you can apply to take over that position at the end of their term. The current PR term ends on 1 October 2025.
Current EMA PRs
PR Name
Email Address

Apar Wasti
AMASE (Erasmus Mundus master program in Advanced Materials Science and Engineering)

Kishan Amarasinghe
ARCHMAT (ERASMUS MUNDUS Master in ARCHaeological MATerials Sciences)

Lorena Díaz Fernández De Quincoces
BIOCEB (Biological and Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Bioeconomy)

Fernando Martinez-Urrutia
ChEMoinformaticsplus (Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry)

Temi Ami-Williams
Choreomundus (International Master in Dance Knowledge, Practice, and Heritage)

Mahnoor Jamil
CyberMACS (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Applied Cybersecurity)

Shraddha Dhamore
DAFM (Sustainability in Agriculture, Food Production and Food Technology in the Danube Region)

Shadi Al-Nahari
EM3E-4SW (Erasmus Mundus Master in Membrane Engineering for a Sustainable World)

David Fosca Gamarra
EMECS (Erasmus Mundus master program in Embedded Computing Systems)

Yadira Sánchez-Esparza
EMHRPP (Erasmus Mundus Master's Programme in Human Rights Policy and Practice)

Farseen Ali Puthanveettil
EMMIR (European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations)

Shital Bhanushali
EMOTION (European Masters in Translational Cosmetics and Dermatological Sciences)

Sarker Mohammad Nasrullah
EMJMDPHID ( Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Public Health in Disasters )

Amadou Banda Ndione
ERMIT PHD (Entreprenariat, Ressources, Management, Innovation et Technologies)

Steven Abdelmassih
E-PiCO (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree on Electric Vehicle Propulsion & Control)

Jeffrey P. Razonabe
ESWOCHY (European Joint Masters in Social Work with Children and Youth)

María Alejandra Mendoza
EUROCULTURE(Society, Politics, and Culture in a Global Context: Euroculture)

Donatus Ikhane OZEMHOYA
EUROSUD (Erasmus Mundus International Master in South European Studies)

Andrea Garcia Guzman
FOOD4S (European Master of Science in Sustainable Food Systems Engineering, Technology & Business)

Sarath Das
FRP++ (European Master in Advanced Structural Analysis and Design using Composite Materials)
Ajay Kumar Yadav
GEM (Geo Information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management)

Uzoamaka Anita Asiegbu
GEMMA (Erasmus Mundus Masters Degree in Women's and Gender Studies)

Ani Methi
Global-MINDS (European Master in the Psychology of Global Mobility, Inclusion and Diversity in Society)

Patrick Ferrity
GLODEP (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in International Development Studies)

Rafael Chávez
GroundwatCh (Groundwater and Global Change - Impacts and Adaptation)

Lovely Moreno
IMATEC (International Master in Technology and Management for Circular Economy)

Jennifer Confidence
IMSISS (International Master in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies)

Sachin Bhattarai
IMSOGLO (International Masters of Science in Soils and Global Change)

Zannat Ara Dilshad Shangi
MBUILD (Master Degree in Sustainable Design, Construction & Management of the Built Environment)

Muhammad Waqas Saleem
ME3+ (European Joint Masters in Management and Engineering of Environment and Energy +)

Sajal Saha
MEDfOR (Master Programme on Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management)

Maximilian Dahlems
MIR(Marine and Maritime Intelligent Robotics)

Folco Perego
Meta 4.0 (Manufacturing 4.0 By Intelligent And Sustainable Technologies)

Sayesha Khanna
PLANTHEALTH (European Master Degree in Plant Health in Sustainable Cropping Systems)

Subrina Islam
PROMISE - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Sustainable Mineral and Metal Processing Engineering

Mohamed Abdallah Alsisi
RePIC (Redesigning the Post(Industrial City)

Carolina Vaz-Pires
SDSI (Joint Master's Degree Programme in Service Design Strategies and Innovations)

Diego Alejandro Garzón Castellanos
SERP+ (European Master in Surface, Electro, Radiation and Photo-Chemistry)

Ajinkyap Powar
SMDTex (erasmus Mundus join Doctorate Programm about Sustainable Management and Design for Textiles)
Md Sadad Mahamud
SSIs (Joint International Master in Smart Systems Integration Solutions)

Muhammad Umar Farooq