About EMA
EMA's Structure & History
EMA's structure is based on four pillars, which allow the Association to achieve its goals. These pillars are: EMA's Management Board (MB), EMA's Country Representatives (CRs), EMA's Programme Representatives (PRs), and EMA's Project Leaders (PLs).
See an organogram of EMA’s units below, and click on each Unit to learn more about their functions and activities. Scroll down to browse through EMA’s history.
EMA's Structure
Working Units
Administrative Units
Support Units
EMA's History
The Erasmus Mundus Association (EMA) was founded in 2006 as an initiative of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC).
In 2014, the Erasmus Mundus Programme became a part of Erasmus+ and EMA joined the Erasmus+ Students and Alumni Association (ESAA). Effective as of 2015, EMA registered as an international non-profit Association under the Belgian Laws (EMA AISBL).
Since its foundation EMA members have initiated or taken part in a large number of fairs, information seminars and promotional activities worldwide, spreading the word about Erasmus Mundus and Higher Education in Europe.
Below is a timeline with some of EMA's notable milestones as well as an overview of its previous Management Boards and Steering Committees.
May 2020: EMA's 14th General Assembly; virtual
EMA’s 14th General Assembly was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
February 2020: Management Board Meeting

September 2019: SC-MB Handover & EMA Changemaker Event; Delft, Netherlands
The previous EMA steering committee completed a handover of the positions to the new Management Board. This happened concurrently with an EMA Changemaker Event.
EMA's First Management Board Elected
In 2019, EMA’s first-ever Management Board was elected. Read more about the MB members here.
Student & Alumni Unit Director: Gabriella Miciewicz
Capacity Building & Outreach Unit Director: Marcela Chavez Ocampo
Research & Innovation Unit Director: Pavlo Bazilinskyy
Policy & Quality Assurance Unit Director: Radu Serrano
Legal & Internal Affairs Unit Director: Prashant Kumar
Financial Management Unit Director: Pepri Saputra
Talent Management Unit Director: Tiago Welter
Project Support Unit Director: Manasseh Anand
Communication & IT Unit Director: Estefanía Zarate
Partnership Development Unit Director: Tomas Kepes (2019-2020)
June 2019: Extraordinary GA (EMA's 13th)
Voting of President and Vice-President (during ESAA event in Bonn).
May 2019: Steering Committee Meeting
February 2019: 12th General Assembly & MCAA Annual Conference
The 12th GA took place in Vienna in conjunction with the Marie Curie Alumni Association’s Annual Conference.
EMA General Assembly Attendees voted on the proposed update of the EMA Statute and Internal Regulations.

November 2018: Changemaker Event in Brussels
First EMA's Strategic Meeting “Changemakers’, Brussels.
May 2018: First Virtual Extraordinary General Assembly (11th GA)
2017-2019: EMA's 7th Steering Committee Elected
President: Pavan Sriram
Vice-President: Lucia Loposova
Communications Coordinator: Oxana Sytnik
Community Development Coordinator: Amir Kamran/Carolina Ramos
Internal Affairs Coordinator: Bailey Harrington/Tom Ajime
Professional Development Coordinator: Teeroumanee Nadan (Agegie)
Regional Chapters Coordinator: Shiella C. Balbutin/Kate Alzoy Ramil

May 2017: 10th General Assembly; Brussels
​Free University of Brussels (Vrije Universiteit Brussel – VUB), Belgium.
May 2021: EMA's 15th General Assembly; virtual
EMA’s 15th General Assembly was held virtually for the second year in a row due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During the General Assembly, EMA's next President and Vice President were elected. Learn more here.
November 2021: EMA Official MB Handover Meeting; Athens, Greece
EMA's incoming and outgoing Management Boards held an in-person Handover meeting in November 2021. Read more here.

October 2016: Virtual Liaison Group Meeting
2016: EMA goes legal
EMA becomes a registered NGO: EMA AISBL
November 2016: 9th General Assembly; Switzerland
Combined with EMA’s 10th anniversary celebration. Lugano, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland.
November 2015: Liaison Group Meeting; Vienna
2015-2017: EMA's 6th Steering Committee
President: Apiyo Okwiri
Vice-President: Emrah Karakaya
Communications Coordinator: Maryia Kukharava (2015-2017) / Oxana Sytnik (2017)
Internal Affairs Coordinator: Nathan Lemahieu
Professional Development Coordinator: Olena Burkhovska
Regional Chapters Coordinator: Lucia Loposova
2015: 8th General Assembly; Belgium
2014: 7th General Assembly; Poland
2013-2015: EMA's 5th Steering Committee
​President: Leasa Weimer
Vice-President: Pavan Sriram
Communications Coordinator: Luca Lo Re/Maryia Kukharava
Community Development Coordinator: Saeed Hosseinzadeh
Internal Affairs Coordinator: Shahiryar Khan
Professional Development Coordinator: Rauf Butt
Regional Chapters Coordinator: Apiyo Okwiri
2013: 6th GA; Spain
​BarcelonaTech: Technical University of Catalonia; Spain.
2012: 5th GA; Czech Republic
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
2011-2013: EMA's 4th Steering Committee
President: Jean Carlos Pelicano
Vice-President: Hady Abi-Nader
Communications Coordinator: Nina Cherenkova
Community Development Coordinator: Roy Someshwar
Internal Affairs Coordinator: Paras Mehta (2011-2012)/Shahiryar Khan (2012-2013)
Professional Development Coordinator: Thomas Vilarinho
Regional Chapters Coordinator: Ricardo Chavez
2011: 4th GA; Hungary
​Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
2009-2011: EMA's 3rd Steering Committee
President: Chunyu Liang
Vice-President: Ricardo Chavez
Conference Team Coordinator: Tanja Kähkönen (2009)/Salman M. Khan (2010-2011)
Internal Communications Team Coordinator: Hady Abi-Nader
IT Team Coordinator: Taghi Paksima
Jobs Team Coordinator: Stephne Du Rand
Magazine Team Coordinator: Natasha Sardzoska
Policy Team Coordinator: Jean Carlos Pelicano
Promotion Team Coordinator: Sonia Pinho
2009: 2nd GA; Lithuania
​Vilnius University, Lithuania
2008-2009: EMA's 2nd Steering Committee
President: Hanneke Luth
Vice-President: Ricardo Chavez
Conference Team Coordinator: Chunyu Liang
Internal Communications Team Coordinator: Ross Hu Zhongliang
IT Team Coordinator: Taghi Paksima
Jobs Team Coordinator: Manuel Fernandez
Magazine Team Coordinator: Rikke Skovgaard Andersen
Policy Team Coordinator: Jean Carlos Pelicano
Promotion Team Coordinator: Jennifer Lenhar
2008: EMA's 1st GA; Italy
​The University for Foreigners Perugia, Italy
2007-2008: EMA's 1st Steering Committee
President: Hanneke Luth
Vice-President: Taghi Paksima
Conference Team Coordinator: Chunyu Liang
Internal Communications Team Coordinator: Ross Hu Zhongliang
IT Team Coordinator: Taghi Paksima
Jobs Team Coordinator: Sandra Oberhollenzer
Magazine Team Coordinator: Rikke Skovgaard Andersen
Newsletter Team Coordinator: Ross Hu Zhongliang
Policy Team Coordinator: Matthias Herkt
Promotion Team Coordinator: Jennifer Lenhart
June 2006: Foundation of EMA
​Foundation of EMA (on behalf of the European Commission) as a Student and Alumni Association